I remembered!
Finally, a long overdue Humor Day post.
This lovely gem comes courtesy of a housewife in Wales.
Now they'll probably have to put warning labels on the panties.
Next time she'll know to wear a helmet.
Finally, a long overdue Humor Day post.
If you'll notice on the left, below my profile, there's a flashing link to a project sponsored by the Museum of Sex. Please participate.
There's an article on female orgasm (link good for 7 days) in the New York Times today. The researcher suggests its a vestigial artifact, like nipples on men – that it's just for "fun". (Others disagree.)
Since I've missed 3 whole Humor Days, I offer you this instead. (My H.S. History teacher sends these sort of jokes every Thursday.)
Okay, it is not my fault that I keep getting invited to parties on Wednesday nights. I made it home before this morning though!
Seems that the title of this post would be more suited to vibrators or something. But I'm still nattering on about my phone.
So I got a new phone today. Yay. And I actually felt guilty about disconnecting my old phone. I really did love that thing. But I found myself trying to scream over a bad connection this morning, and I actually did have a little disposable income, so now was as good a time as ever. Just rip that band-aid off!
I spent a couple hours playing with it. (Had a 2:45 MD appt. They took me at 4:15. Why even bother making appointments?) Then I read the manual on the bus on my way home. It's pretty cool. So far the camera's my favorite part. It's my first digital camera, so even though it's a crappy cellphone camera, it's still fun since I have nothing better to compare it to. I would post a crapcam photo here, but as I mentioned, my PC is too old to run the phone software, so I can only do that stuff from work. And I tend not to post from work. Hmm - I'll figure something out.
I can't use all of the features yet because the multimedia part of my service won't kick in until the 19th. (Although I do appreciate the service rep who set it up that way, rather than double charging me this month for regular service + new service.) Once that's up I'll be able to send pictures, do video, watch TV. I think I'll get rid of the TV/video portions after the free trial. Last thing I need is to have a TV with me at all times.
Okay - back to the vibrators. They do not generate such strong emotion in me as do my phones, but I do appreciate the varied and interesting styles available. Here's a review of the Hello Kitty Vibrator. And for the more advanced or the more jaded, here is an entire site on Fucking Machines. Never limp, never tired, never distracted...
I haven't been talking about sex lately, neither here nor in real life. That's kind of frightening. It seems that it's all I ever talk about, but yet, it's not on my mind lately. I've been busy. (Obviously not busy in a good way, or else I'd be thinking about sex.)
Gee, sorry. I guess I should stop drinking on Wednesday nights ... or at least stop drinking sometime before Thursday mornings.
I basically forgot to post last week. Not even my usual Humor Day post. (At least this blogger has a life.) Actually I didn't even manage to make it home Wednesday night, so posting was rather far from my mind.