I'm still a little congested, but I'm feeling better, thanks for asking.
I was watching Real Sex on HBO the other day and I thought: "White people are crazy." No ... Okay, yeah, I did think that, but that's not the point of this post. (
In general I think people are crazy, without regard to ethnicity, but it seems that, for some reason, Caucasians feel much freer to explore whatever oddity might give them pleasure. Or perhaps Caucasians are just more open to having HBO film them in said pursuit ... that's probably it.) Actually I thought, there are so many opportunities to capitalize on sex, and people are making good money off of them, but I just can't seem to come up with a killer app that will profit for me. The
mobile dungeon? I should have thought of that! Creating a studio space with differently-themed sets for people to video their fantasies? That totally makes sense. Collecting
fucking machines? Okay, I never would have thought of that. But, I've got to think of something. I can't just sit behind a desk, underneath a stairwell, for the rest of my life
Now that my mind has wandered back on to sex (with a vengeance), I've also tried to figure out why all the girls of porn are so Barbie-shaped and the guys are so fugly and barrel-chested. I mean, it's not really that hard to figure out: porn is tailored toward men, so they want an idealized woman and a non-threatening man. But increasingly more women are buying porn. Doesn't that influence the market? How about some non-threatening women - perhaps a bit of pudge here & there, more than a square inch of pubic hair, and dare I say it,
natural breasts - and
seriously hot guys. I'd buy that for a dollar! I'm sure such things exist. I bitch, but it's not like I've been in the market for any porn videos in a dog's age.
There's a
Maureen Dowd opinion piece in the NY Times today that talks about "road beef" and "taking one for the team." It also touches a bit on what I discussed above; specifically the idea that if a guy is with less than a model-type, he's making a sacrifice, but if a gal is with Joe Schlumpf, she's "lucky to have found love." It's all so stupid.
Beauty is beauty, and that's all well and good. No one's suggesting you shouldn't appreciate beauty. We're hard-wired to do so. Part of what we ascribe to beauty are markers of health. In choosing a mate, these things are biologically important. But in the real, contemporary, civilized world, modern folks need to learn to look past what Madison Avenue has trained us to want, and identify what's truly valuable about a person.