hétfő, február 14, 2005

Celebrate the Massacre

I acknowledge it's Valentine's Day, but that's all you'll hear from me on the subject.

I just took out the Kinsey Institute New Report on Sex from the library. Jaj, I feel old! I had the first edition of this when it came out. Now it seems so ... dated. Nonoxynol 9 - do they even use that any more?

Ahh ... sex.
sex sex sex sex sex.

It's so easy, but so complicated. Or perhaps it's love that's complicated. Sex is easy. Good sex ... a little more effort is required, but it's still easy.

It's still amazing to me what people know versus what they don't know. Or what people believe versus what the facts are. There is still such a wide discrepancy between the two. Apparently Alfred Kinsey was among the first to elucidate this disparity. Watching the movie, Kinsey, it is sadly amusing to see how far we've come, and still how little we've changed. Advocating abstinence in lieu of sex education ... that's not education, that's subjugation. Mind you, I'm not saying that teenagers, or younger, should be having sex. I just think it's counterintuitive, that when faced with a uncomfortable question, one's answer should be "that's evil - don't do that." Don't skirt the issue. Do the research, answer the question, and trust the individual's ethics to guide them appropriately. If they were brought up, not dragged up, they'll do the right thing.

Speaking of Alfred Kinsey, PBS is running a documentary about his life this evening. One that doesn't flirt so delicately about the fact that he tithered along the edges of the dark side in his later research.

There should be people who can answer questions about sex. I mean, when you're of an age to be curious, who can you ask? Your friends are equally clueless (or disturbingly experienced, I don 't know which is worse), your parents are unapproachable ... who is there to talk to? Nowadays, the web is a good resource, with sites like Go ask Alice or SIECUS, but that's so sterile. I try to be approachable. (A fact which I know, one day, I will be made to regret.) But I'm only one person. YOU - yeah you. Go talk about sex with someone you care about.

"Train up children in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

(8 years of Lutheran school, and that's what I remember - the verse they wrote on our report cards.)