szerda, augusztus 12, 2009

Current reading

I have not had anything to say over here in YEARS.

And I still don't.

But I'm trying to update my blogs more frequently, and at nearly 3 years, this one is sorely in need.

This is what I'm currently reading:

The East, the West, and Sex: A History of Erotic Encounters by Richard Bernstein

Perhaps I'll have more to say when I'm past chapter 2.

szombat, augusztus 19, 2006

Okay, one of you is lying ....

For laughs, I decided to buy some over-the-counter birth control today. (I don't know, I saw the Sponge and got all nostalgic. I remember those from my college days ... but I date myself.) I was reading the inserts on a couple of different packages, and I noticed that each method seemed to fudge the efficacy rates to disparage the other methods. Ie., the efficacy rate the Today Sponge claims to have, is not the same as the one the Vaginal Contraceptive Film assigns to it, and vice versa.

I hate misinformation.

When in doubt, or when it matters, always consult a neutral third-party organization. Planned Parenthood gives information about various OTC options, Go Ask Alice has answered the question of effective forms of birth control, and various health sites have efficacy charts. Even the government puts out a fact sheet.

And always remember that chemical methods do not protect from STIs, so you still need that condom. No harm in doubling up methods (barrier + chemical), in my opinion, since no method is perfect.

kedd, augusztus 08, 2006

Back from vacation ...

... and my favorite souvenir is a tshirt with this logo

(No, I didn't go to Utah, but I kept getting stuck there on extended layovers ... grr.)

péntek, július 28, 2006

Mmm . . . cappuccino & vanilla.

Just thought I'd give a little plug to Kama Sutra products. (Whose site only appears to work with IE - feh.)

I have the Cappuccino Oil of Love and the Vanilla Massage Creme sitting, unopened, in my basement. (I got them on sale a while ago, but haven't had occasion to use them. Apparently they're discontinued flavors.) In my last relationship, my friends kept buying me gift sets from there, so I also have the Weekender, the Oil of Love Collection, and Honey Dust.

I like the stuff; the flavors are non-cloying, the textures sensual.

Perhaps one of these days I'll have occasion to use them again. (I don't think they go bad, do they?)

csütörtök, július 20, 2006

I ask again: who worked her up?

It seems like every year or two I go out with friends and get all hedonistic ... there's usually dancing involved, and drinking (natch) ... and for no apparent reason I just become a kissing fool. Almost any guy I dance with, I end up kissing. And not just a peck on the cheek in appreciation for the dance.

Normally, I'm far more restrained. (ie. more celibate than a monk)

Don't get me wrong, I really like kissing. Really. A lot. But I usually don't go about all willy-nilly like that.

And usually I have sense enough to only kiss strangers, whom I don't know and have no intention of seeing ever again, not people I know and see regularly ... groan.

So, last night I played the fool and fooled around with all of these guys who are too young for me and/or otherwise problematic, but it was still fun. And it's not serious. I don't anticipate any repercussions other than my girlfriends teasing me for a few days.

In fact, it makes me regret the week before, when I was out with a friend to whom I'm attracted. I perceived kissing tension, but I got on my ethical high horse & ignored it. I should have just kissed him; he strikes me as being a good kisser and none of our friends were around to see it. What the hell?

There should be more kissing in life.

szerda, július 19, 2006

so much for humor day . . .

It's hard to have a sense of humor when this is the first article I see in the Times today:

Muzzling Sex Education on Anything but Abstinence

kedd, július 18, 2006

Alright, who got her worked up?

I'm having lascivious thoughts of late.

Sometimes/most of the time I hate boys, but most of the time/sometimes I find them terribly distracting.

It's funny, the one who is distracting me now, he fits almost perfectly into an awful piece of erotica I wrote years ago. I happened to come across it and read it, thinking of him as the main character . . . oh my! It's like a whole new story. And it works, because I wrote that story for/about a guy whom I'd never seen in person, so there's really just the most generic description.

And like the guy for/about whom I originally wrote the story, I have no intention of really pursuing this man in real life . . . because I don't do "mistress."

But, the point I'm trying to get to (if I can refrain from picturing said guy as that character for just 5 minutes) is that one should write, erotica or otherwise. I don't care if it is horrible. It's a neat little time capsule of who you are at a given point in time. I cringe with every reading of that story, but it reminds me of who I once was, and how I've grown since then.

Back to my regularly scheduled fantasious dalliances.