szerda, október 12, 2005

Umm, that's not funny.

Savage Love is rather gross today. Key quote:

"I quickly rub one out," he writes, "and then put a tiny amount of my come on my friends' toothbrushes. I know it's wrong, and I feel bad about it, but I can't stop."
Okay - no one is ever allowed in my bathroom again.

szombat, október 08, 2005

Oh crap, that can happen?!?

I really like that article. Today's key quote:

Women who abstain from sex run some risks. In postmenopausal women, these include vaginal atrophy. Dr. Winch has a middle-aged patient of whom he says: "She hasn't had intercourse in three years. Just isn't interested. The opening of her vagina is narrowing from disuse. It's a condition that can lead to dysparenia, or pain associated with intercourse. I told her, 'Look, you'd better buy a vibrator or you're going to lose function there.'

Umm - excuse me while I go work on my craigslist ad.

csütörtök, október 06, 2005

Go forth and ... (behave as if you were trying to) multiply. (of all places) gives many reasons why we all should be having more sex. Including for our own dental health. Key quote:

- Better teeth: Seminal plasma contains zinc, calcium and other minerals shown to retard tooth decay. Since this is a family Web site, we will omit discussion of the mineral delivery system. Suffice it to say that it could be a far richer, more complex and more satisfying experience than squeezing a tube of Crest--even Tartar Control Crest. Researchers have noted, parenthetically, that sexual etiquette usually demands the brushing of one's teeth before and/or after intimacy, which, by itself, would help promote better oral hygiene.

szerda, október 05, 2005

Humor day

Bill Clinton Brand Condoms . . . no, really!